The relationship between the different sizes of soil pores is not consistent across soil types and can vary dramatically which effects both the amount of water stored and the drainage capacity of the soil. The pore sizes and volumes of readily available water stored in the topsoils (0 – 30 cm depth) of several Tasmanian soils was determined for the purpose of understanding irrigation scheduling and drainage (Figure 8). The values for the duplex soils appear to fall into two distinct classes. However, the volumes of drainable porosity did not show the same groupings (Figure 3) and so the responses to drainage will be different between soils even on the same soil type.
For most plants to grow in soil, a proportion of the pore space needs to be air-filled to allow the influx oxygen into, and the efflux of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the soil. Plant roots, microorganisms and chemical reactions all consume oxygen and release CO2 with the major effect of poor aeration on plant growth being a lack of oxygen (Glinski and Stepniewski 1985). This same air-filled porosity is the space that allows for drainage of water by gravity after a saturating rainfall (drainable porosity).
Although critical values for the air-filled porosity to sustain plant growth are unlikely to exist (Cook and Knight 2003), as the total air-filled porosity decreases to 10% or less, the oxygen diffusion rate into the soil is inhibited, causing injury to roots and their inability to function (Engelaar & Yoneyama, 2000). Also, connectivity between larger pores will be reduced resulting in slower effective drainage. Compaction of soils that destroys soil structure, results in the loss of a greater proportion of the larger pores (drainable porosity) than the smaller pores thus reducing the ability of the soil to effectively drain. Five of the Tasmanian soils tested had drainable porosities of less than 4 % of soil volume (Figure 9) and it is critical to keep this porosity drained and air-filled for plant optimum growth but with such low volumes of these larger pores these soils will require specific artificial drainage as well as good stock and crop management practices.
Generalised recommendations of the drainage systems suitable for different soil types can be given (Chapter 5), however, differences in the volume of the different categories (sizes) of soil pores within each soil type mean that recommendations for effective drainage can only be given following detailed site investigation of individual paddocks (Chapter 5).